We went to dinner with my cousin, Darnell Arnoult and her husband, William Brock, last night.
The last time I visited Darnell and William at their home down I-40, there sat an extremely large bird in the yard. I had to walk past it to get around to the front door, but I really didn't want to disturb it. I knew William was making birds, but I didn't realize he was also displaying them in the yard. So, I crept down the sidewalk, fascinated by the huge bird, thinking, "Wow, this is what you get when you live in the country." Just about then, the sun hit it just right and I realized it was one of William's creations. Duh.
William makes each bird out of copper or tin and cuts each 'feather' by hand. Isn't that insane? I mean, in a really good way. You can see more images and get some information at www.rustedbirdstudio.com.
And to the lady who told him she could buy one of these at Wal-Mart: a double duh.