Thursday, February 26, 2009

Putting the Dig Back in Dignity

Just last week I was thinking about what a tough job it must be to be a 'sandwich artist' at Subway. I go there enough for lunch that I know I hate most people in that line. It's like people take some sort of sick pleasure from being mean to the workers--lettuce please, no that's too much, no that's not enough--and I've never been in Subway even once when someone wasn't bringing their unwrapped sandwich back up to the counter for more of this or less of that or to point out an error. The way I see it is we have the opportunity to stand there and pick every single item that goes on that bun. You should NEVER be allowed to bring back your sandwich for a correction once you leave the counter. That would be my policy.

Today, the guy behind me in line was the leader of all that is gross in humanity. The Czar of Horse's Rear-Ends, if you will. The sandwich artist, on the other hand, is the nicest guy. He makes going to Subway pleasant, so the fact that the jerk behind me was being SO condescending took even me, an anonymous customer, to the verge of intervening.

Lettuce. No, more. Not the whole garden. Gheesh. Yes, buddy, that would mean less. Two tomatos. Wait, are those fresh? Olives. Black. Wait, take them off. I don't want olives. Cucumber. More. No, I don't want those. They look disgusting. Take them off. I'd like two banana peppers. Can you count to two? Only two. (This is the point at which I turned around to say something.)

As I'm turning, the guy says, "I don't think I want this kind of sandwich after all. Dump all of that and let's start over. What's the difference between your ham and black forest ham?"

I was literally taking a breath to start in when my sandwich artist looked the guy square in the eye and said, "Buddy, it's the difference between a big pile of spit in the middle of your bread and not. What's it gonna' be?"

And, then, just as if we were in a movie, the man who had been behind the jerk started clapping. And so did the three people behind him. And, in a cloud of defeat, the Czar turned and stomped out.




PhilB said...

Bravo to the sandwich artist!! No employee should have to be subjected to such a customer...I don't care what the "corporate mission statement" says.

Bravo, bravo!!

Thanks for sharing your story,


Anonymous said...

While it's great the sandwich artist spoke up for himself, a little part of me wishes he had not spoken just then.

We could have heard your words to the Czar (I imagine it would have been pithy), and then the Czar's response back to you, followed by the sandwich artist weighing in. The dramatic possibilities are endless!

Marty Funderburk said...

I LOVE that story! I witnessed a similar abusive situation at Cheeseburger Charlie's in Green Hills once - a rich Jewish Princess was railing on a poor high school girl who was taking her order. I finally leaned in to the princess and said, "What's the matter honey...forget to take your meds today?" I thought she was going to slap me right there, but I didn't care. It just felt SO good!

Brian Copeland said...

Belinda, I read this story four times and laughed every time. This guy is my hero!