Monday, June 8, 2009

Soapbox Alert

The dog park is a park for dogs.
Not unsupervised kids. And definitely not toddlers.
I saw a kid get bit last year. He was unsupervised and he'd shown up to play--er, harrass--the dogs. One dog just turned on a dime and bit him. Hard.

Dogs are dogs, and when they're in a situation where there are lots of dogs, you really can't predict what they'll do. You can assume, but you don't really know.

So, no, I don't think it's appropriate to bring your toddler to the dog park to play with the dogs.

And thank you for asking.Cody and Bernice



Kristie Braselton said...

Since when do we need an alert that you're on a soapbox?

Maddy said...

I agree. That's one of the reasons we stopped taking our dogs long ago. That and the little dogs kept chasing our Boxer.

Belinda said...

The little dogs are stinkers. (She says as the owner of two!)


Belinda said...

Kristie-so true. ;-p