Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 2010 and Signs

Oh dear, gang. Can you believe it's 2010? It seems like yesterday that we were hoarding bottles of water wondering if the world was coming to a sure end, doesn't it? Good times. Can you believe it was ten years ago?

I started the new decade today with a writing session I was very much looking forward to. J.P. Williams and Mark Narmore are two of my favorite human beings on top of being two of my favorite writers, so I was glad to start the year on a good note.

The past several months in my creative industry have been filled with up's and down's. I know that the music industry is certainly feeling the effects of the current economic climate, but I'm hopeful. How can I not be? Regardless, on the way to the session today, I said a prayer. It was kind of a response to the past year as well as to the new one--God, I need this to be good today.

And it was.


Then, when I got home and looked at my brand spanking new bedspread, I noticed a small wet spot down on the corner near the floor. Just a small one. Upon further inspection, it became clear that Pete, the 11 1/2 year old min pin, had hiked his leg. A statement of his own, I suppose.

I've chosen to let him live, and I've decided not to let him steal my optimism. Clearly, animals pray, too.Praying dog Pictures, Images and Photos


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