Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cliches and Records

I would like to go on record that the movie which made me want see Italy in person was a terrible movie from 1994 called, "Only You." It was really bad. Don't even rent it. However, because is was so bad, I was forced to look around the scenes for something--anything--interesting. And, that is when I decided I had to see Italy in person. It became a fat-free obsession.

only you Pictures, Images and Photos

It was NOT the book or the movie, "Under the Tuscan Sun."

It was NOT the book or the movie, "Eat. Pray. Love."

And I have signed up for a converstional Italian class because a) I will be going back to Italy soon and b) learning a new language helps to stimlate the brain, and I think my need for that goes without saying. I've been talking about signing up for a class for four years now mostly because I got lost in Montacatini and no one spoke English. It was kind of scary and I'd like to address that, post-trip even.

NOT because Elizabeth Gilbert likes Italian, too.

So there.


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