Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've Got to Get Off the Drive Through

This is my brother's story. It makes me laugh till I cry. I don't know why. I can't help but share it.

So, he's living in a small town right now. A very, very small town where he is a professor of English at a lovely college. Every now and then while living in a small town, one wants McDonald's. mcdonalds Pictures, Images and Photos

Yesterday, he went to the drive-thru and ordered a #13 plus a hamburger. The voice over the intercom said, "That will be $6.66."

He drives around to the window and she says to him, "That will be $5.99." When he points out to her that she told him the total was $6.66 before she says, "That's Satan's number. I gave you a discount to get rid of that." (I can't even type this without laughing out loud.)

My brother being the stinker he is now calls our friend, another professor at the college. He tells our friend T about the incident and insists that T go to McDonald's and order the exact same thing. T does. Over the intercom, she tells him that his total is $6.66.

He gets around to the window and the following conversation takes place:

Her: That'll be $5.99.
T: But you said it was $6.66?
Her: I gave you a discount.
T: Why?
Her: That's Satan's number and I got it off there. That's the second time this has happened today. (Sigh...) I've got to get off the drive through.

Needless to say, my brother and T called two other English professors and tried to get them to go, too. I told you, he's a stinker.



Maddy said...

That is hysterical!

Regina Heater said...

That's a story that could only happen in that small town with the lovely college. Classic. I wonder how she's going to explain the short in her drawer - "Could it be... SATAN?"

PhilB said... I am a fan. Very funny stuff!!