Saturday, January 3, 2009


It happens every year at this same time. I don't know why I'm surprised. I don't even know why I bothered trying when I know better, but I did.

I went to the gym this morning and, gang, it was wall to wall people. Holy cow. Every machine was taken, from the weird bicycle machine to the NEVER used rowing machine. I left and went back an hour and a half later, and it was still that crowded. The second time I left, I walked out with two other women who I'm vaguely acquainted with from seeing them around there. They couldn't get a machine, either.

While I'm clearly not a gym rat (oh, for that desire), I do go pretty regularly. It seems so unfair that those of us who have been doing this all year have to give up our spots to the New Year's resolution people. I know, I know, they only last for about a month and a half, but it is still maddening.

I propose a "New Year's Resolution" area of the gym. I think a certain number of machines should be put in this area of the room and all the people who never go or who just joined should have to fight it out for their time on those machines in the 'NYR' area. That way, the rest of us who have been paying our dues, physically and financially, can go on about business.

treadmill Pictures, Images and Photos



1 comment:

Guy said...


Preach it.

They should just rent a few machines for the first six weeks of the year for new people.

Or, you get points for each time you show up, and those with more points get a nicer part of the gym and new people have to work their way up or something.

I'm not a "gym rat" either, but I do my 1-3 times a week year 'round and can't stand January! I just plan on going at the oddest times for the first six weeks. Like 2:00 in the afternoon and stuff.