Monday, September 20, 2010

Rewards and Opportunities

It is time, entrepreneurs. Invent a single rewards card that will hold all my other rewards cards.

Are you all having to sign up for all kinds of credit-card-like thingys in order to NOT have to pay a stupid inflated price for things you want? I get it: they want my information for research purposes. What I don't think they understand is that I become some random personality with each "application." At this point, I'm a doctor, a lawyer, an entertainment executive and a construction worker. Now GIVE ME MY REWARDS!

I've turned down what feels like a million rewards card, but these are the ones which are in my wallet as of tonight:

1. A drug store
2. Bookstore
3. Grocery
4. Coffee/Pastry house
5. Clothing place
6. Pet store
7. Art Supply Store

Gang, I have SEVEN rewards cards in my wallet right now. As far as I'm concerned, this is seven too many. How on Earth am I supposed to keep up with all these? Much less the ones I've turned down because my purse is too big. Hence, it is time for one of you business savvy programmers to develop a card which holds all my other rewards. Hurry before someone beats you to it.


I cannot do another rewards card. This is absurd.

Friday, September 17, 2010

You Don't Bring Me Flowers...

A few months ago, I was standing in Kroger near the floral section thinking, "Wow, I would love to justify some fresh flowers today." They all looked so happy and bright and awake. I wanted that in my home. But, really, flowers are things other people give to you, or for special events, right? You don't just buy flowers for yourself. How lame.
But, in the time it takes to push your cart from the soda aisle to the frozen foods aisle, I stopped waiting for people to give me flowers and started getting my own. And that's a tiny bit of the weekly budget that I'd fight for now. Why? Because we really should be kinder to ourselves.

Friday, September 3, 2010