Saturday, November 7, 2009

Everyone Has a Story

So, I was sitting at lunch the other day with five women I'd never met before this week. Each one was accomplished in her field and that was only side of them I'd seen until lunch.

I sat there on the end and took in the conversation. One woman has been married for 16 years and is raising two small children. Another has been divorced for eight. Her husband made a series of bad choices and she had to pick up the pieces and start over without him. The woman at the end of the table was a cancer survivor. The woman next to me has been in her second marriage for two years and may not choose to have kids. The other woman talked about how she and her husband opened their home to an exchange student, who as it turned out, really needed a 'second' family.

I couldn't help but think that if we could all see each other's scars and know each other's stories, we might be kinder to each other.



liz said...

Point Taken!I have a colorful and nutty past.Folks close to my heart are always encouraging me to write about the insanity as a way to "let it go" Not quite sure where its going! I think to myself why? I am no different than the guy standing next to me in Starbucks ordering his Tall Skinny French Vanilla Latte. Everyone has a tale to spin which is woven into a complicated quilt. Some exhibit strength and beauty while others are quietly worn and full of holes. But they all deserve to be treated with kindness and care.My quilt just needs more Downy than some. Not great reading material!

Belinda said...

The quilts that need more Downy are the best ones. Of course, I'm a little off-center myself, so can you really go with my opinion?! ha

You should do a blog. You just should.

Regina at Fauxology said...

I heard a quote the other day "Be kinder than necessary to everyone you meet because you never know what they may be going through". Or, something along those lines...can't seem to get quotes right these days. Anyhoo -- the point, I know. It touched home because who hasn't been at a bad point in their lives and forever remembers someone who was kind, someone who was good, someone who came along at just the right moment with just the right sort of comfort. It would be nice to be that person for someone else...