Saturday, June 26, 2010

Irons, Fires and Custom Decorative Mirrors, Oh My!

I have a million irons in the fire. At least it feels like it, anyway. As a true Scorpio, I'm really great at getting something started, but finishing takes a little more discipline. No, all that glitters isn't gold, but it still glitters, and I like glitter, darn it.

One iron of late has been making decorative mirrors. Anytime I'd see one, I'd think, "How did they do that?" and when I start asking that question, you can pretty much bet that I'm seeing "glitter." I found everything I needed to know about getting started on the internet, read everything I could, and went to it. Here is one of my first tries:
So, while this is a bit time consuming, it's a nice creative thing to do while I'm trying to come up with new lyrics or melodies. You can imagine how excited I was when the owner of the brand new James Gang Company in Nashville offered to sell some of my work. We've already gotten a few mirrors hung in the "not so general general store," and I'm working on some others. This is so much fun!
Here's one of my favorites so far:

There are some cool green splashes throughout that are hard to photograph. I love it.
Here's one I made as a gift for owner, John Grimes:

And, yes, I forgot about photographing it till I was loading it in the car. Oops. Trust me, it looks amazing over the antique upright piano at the The James Gang Company store.

I'll let you know when John is officially open for business and maybe you can pop in sometime. Thanks for indulging me, friends.


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