Friday, June 5, 2009

Answers to People I Haven't Gotten Back to Yet This Week

1. B--go to Madison. I don't do that for people I know. You will wait MUCH less time in Madison.

2. J--I haven't heard. I'm assuming that it will be fine if we don't show up, since we didn't.

3. C--Really, 1/4 for a few weeks and then 1/8 for a few weeks and then off. It's miserable. I'm sorry you have to do it.

4. L--Please send the license request to seventh row music. I realize you have a ministry, and I'm sure you'll understand that I do, too. Mine pays the electric bill and buys groceries. Thanks.

5. M--are you a weeknight writer only? I'm looking forward to writing with you. We'll get it nailed down.

6. E--you are one of my favorite human beings. Thanks for slumming with us Saturday. Love your new rolling pin.

7. T--the fact that we would have to know where all the hospitals are between here and there is precisely why I heart you. Not in spite of that.

8. I--lunch on Wednesday will be like a much needed drink of cool, refreshing water. Next time, bargain shopping.


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