Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Twenty Year Check In

I'm wondering what it's going to be like Friday to be faced with twenty years of decisions all in one night. I'm wondering how that's going to look and feel. And if it will, indeed, freak me out as I'm suspecting it will. Lot's can go wrong in twenty years...and lots can go right. Here's hoping my rights outweigh my wrongs.

The one thing I know for sure is that my high school years weren't the best years of my life. It seems like I'm always looking around and thinking, "Oh, so these must be the best days of my life." And then, a few months later, it's, "Oh, THESE must be the best days," and then a few months later I do it again. Funny, I feel like I'll be saying the same thing in just another few months. I'm lucky in that the best days of my life keep happening. ...seems like that's probably the most I could've hoped for, huh?

To the future--


1 comment:

Bev H said...

Excellent! There's gonna be a lot of people there whose high school years WERE the best years of their lives. How sad is that?