Saturday, December 20, 2008


I have no problems telling you I'm weird. I would guess my official diagnosis in these particular times would be "anxiety." For a while now, and I'm talking several years, I haven't been able to keep a paper calendar/date book. I love them, though. I would trade all of my technology for the ability to carry around a cool journal-type date book. Every time I go into Borders, I go to the section of the store which houses all of those beautiful books and I pick the one I would like to carry for the rest of the year. Then, I carry it around the store with me while I browse the other offerings until finally, I take the date book back and replace it on the shelf for someone else to buy. Someone who will actually use it.

I had to put the paper date books away around the time the microwave started bothering me. I used to stand in front of the microwave and watch the timer as my gourmet meals were cooking (yes, gourmet--leave me alone) and get depressed as the time disappeared. I would think, "I just wasted 3:30 of my life standing in front of a microwave," and then really regret it. I began to fully internalize the reality that I was literally watching my life tick away while doing nothing. So, like the date book, I had to give up the microwave for being too depressing. ...wait, I didn't actually give it up, I just started leaving the kitchen while it worked. Let's not get too crazy here.

The date book was the same. I would fill up a months worth of activities and plans in the pages and when I looked at the monthly calendar, it made my life feel too small. I'd think, "Well, there it is. All on the page. Turn the page and it's all gone." See? Crazy. ...doesn't "anxiety" sound much nicer?

So, anyway, here we are all this time later and I really hadn't thought about this for a while. I was at dinner on Thursday night with some newer friends and I was telling them about it. I can do nothing if not laugh at myself, gang. Today, I'm thinking I've grown up enough to handle the date book. Maybe I'll grab one while I'm in Borders. Of course, I'm probably going to get a Blackberry Storm or an iPhone very soon to handle all my schedule--I do love me some technology--and the date book won't get used, but I still think maybe I should face the neurosis just to see if it is still there.

I'm not, however, going to start watching the microwave again. microwave Pictures, Images and Photos



Anonymous said...

Actually, the nice thing about a calendar that you write in is that it becomes of record of all you've done. So I think it's one good place to not look ahead so much, but to look back... especially if you give yourself freedom to color, draw, doodle, glue, sticker. And that's one thing you won't get with your iPhone... although someone has probably created that app already.

I've got your new blog bookmarked. Miss you!

Belinda said...

I still have all my datebooks from college and you're right about the looking back. Excellent point, beautiful Sue.

...and I also love how you can't consider that I'd choose a Storm over an iPhone. heehee I heart you!

Regina Heater said...

I love calendars, but I'm no good at actually remembering to use them. This past summer I found one, though, that I really like. It's designed for Moms with kids and has tons of room to write both appts and things you need to just remember (I'm always adding in liturgical information for church.) It's great for me because sometimes I just have to keep track of events without actually attending them, and this book has plenty of room for that. I've tried using a Palm Pilot before, but I feel like I just need to write things out. Though the Storm and iPhone look terribly cool.

Brian Copeland said...

As you feel about microwave timers, I feel the same way about Family Feud's final round. Those 30 and 45 second intervals go by so fast. After the show is over, I think, "Oh dear lord, Brian, you just wasted all this time watching trash answer really stupid question." And yet, I still watch. Where's my TV Guide?

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about the calendar. There's just something depressing about flipping the page to the next month.